Campus life
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Rules and Instructions for Off-campus Accommodation

If you wish to move from the on-campus student dorm to off-campus accommodation, you should:
•  Sign a “Contract of Tenancy” with the owner.
•  Present the “Contract of Tenancy” to the Office of Students Affairs of the School of International Education , Shanghai Jiao Tong University and fill out the “Registration Form for Living Off-campus”.
•  Register with the local police station and fill out the “Registration Form for Temporary Residence”.
•  Present the “Registration Form for Temporary Residence” to the Office of Students Affairs  to change the address in your “Residence Permit” by filling out the “Application Letter of Certificate Handling by Overseas Students”.
•  Present the “Form for Change of Address” to the Visa Office of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau for the change of address.
•  If you move to a new address once more, please notify the Office of Students Affairs of the School of International Education , Shanghai Jiao Tong University of the change to deal with related procedures.

Matters Needing Attention for Students Living Off-campus.
•  Pay attention to your personal safety and the safety of your property, guard against possible offenses infringed upon you.
•  Pay attention to the safe use of gas, be sure to use a gas water heater with a powerful exhauster, the heater should be installed outside the bathroom and when using it, open the bathroom window a little for fresh air.
•  Pay attention to the safe use of electric appliances, observe the regulations regarding the use of electricity and do not use electric appliances such as electric water heater which may start a fire.
•  Pay attention to traffic safety and observe the traffic regulations; Keep in contact with the school and notify it when there is a change of address. 

Office of Students Affairs of the School of International Education
1. Minhang: Room 306, Old Administration Building. Tel: +86 21 34203848 or +86 21 54742395
2. Xuhui: Room 111, Lecture Hall No. 1. Tel: +86 21 62822018

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