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        Notice on postponing the start of the spring semester 2020 for SJTU students



Dear International Students,


为加强新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,按照教育部和上海市的统一部署,学校研究决定,推迟 2020 年春季学期开学时间,要求全体同学不要提前具体开学时间和后续工作安排另行通知。

In order to prevent and control the new coronavirus infection and protect the physical health and life safety of SJTU teachers and students, decisions already made by SJTU are as follows: The opening of the spring semester of 2020 will be POSTPONED. All students are required NOT TO COME to the university in advance. The new registration day & time and follow-up arrangements will be notified soon.



If you’re in China now, we would like to remind you of the followings:

1. 切勿前往湖北以及其他疫情严重的区域!远离人员密集场所,积极配合有关方面做好防控工作安排

DO NOT go to Hubei Province or any other areas under such severe conditions. Stay away from crowded places. Cooperate properly with the prevention and control of the contagion caused by the virus.

2. 保持良好个人生活和卫生习惯,正确合理佩戴口罩,勤洗手,进行合理的体育锻炼

Please keep a good personal hygienic habit. Wear masks properly when necessary. Wash your hands more frequently. Do some physical exercise properly.

3. 如出现发热、咳嗽等症状,及时就诊并报告留学生发展中心、宿舍管理员或院系老师。

If you have a cough or fever, please go to the hospital in your area as soon as possible and report to SJTU International Student Center, dorm management staff or your school/department coordinator in time.



Supporting the battle of the prevention and control of the contagion caused by the virus is not only related to the safety and health of oneself, but also the social responsibility and obligation individuals should bear. We are grateful for your understanding and support.



Any updates will be published on our website (https://isc.sjtu.edu.cn/). You can also follow us on WeChat to get latest information.


如果有任何疑问,请联系 Any questions, please contact

本科生 for undergraduatesisc.o@sjtu.edu.cn

研究生 for postgraduatesgs.admission@sjtu.edu.cnisc.o@sjtu.edu.cn

交换生 for exchange studentsisc.exchange@sjtu.edu.cn

语言生 for language studentsiso@sjtu.edu.cnclpvisa@sjtu.edu.cn

+86 18721987762Ms.Hu+86 18016277569(Ms.Zhao) +86 13381738960(Mr.Zhao)

预科生 for Pre-University studentspre-university@sjtu.edu.cn



                                         International Student Center

International Affairs Division

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


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